Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Course Reflection

      This AP course has been filled with surprising topics.  Along with those surprises were refreshing moments when I was taught again thing I already knew or was common sense . What I liked about this English AP course was that I learned about different type of essays.  I learned that there are more type of essays then  just argumentative essays.  In addition to that, I learned how to do each one them and how to do them correctly.  On the other hand, there are some things I did not like about the course. The least liked thing was that when it came to reading novel, they where all older novels.  I did not mind that they were not modern novels, but I would have liked to read at least one novel that was closer to today's time, more interesting to the teenage mind, or more in the suspense genre.
      This course prepared me for the AP exam. The only thing I was not equally taught as the rest was how to write a figurative strategy essay.  In my opinion, it was taught less than the others were and was taught at the last minute.  If I had the chance to retake this course, I would not.  I would not retake it, but would seek addition help or tutoring with things from time to time.