Friday, January 29, 2016

Temporary Escape


Everyone needs some type of temporary escape.  There are many reasons why one may need a temporary escape: stress, to gather ones thoughts, or even if it’s from life.  Life can be very stressful at times even if it’s from work, school, or family problems.  That escape can be anything from a where to a what.  Some like to go out into nature because it is a calmer environment or even read a book.  I have a few temporary escapes of my own. Certain fiction novels, my stories, music, and the beach are my temporary escapes.                           
Certain novels like The Infernal Devices series takes me to another place.  While reading novels, I am not thinking about how bad my day was, but about what happens on the next page.  When I am writing my books, my mind is somewhere else.  I zone out of everything, focusing on nothing but my book; the details I'm going to put into, visualizing my story as it if I was the main character.  Music is my number one escape because its right next to me at all times.  The lyrics of the song just brings be back to where I need to be or takes me away.  I have learned that I should not hold back my emotions and music brings it out of me, even if it is crying or anger.  It helps me think about my problems and to decide if I should fix them or just let them simmer down themselves.  When I go to the beach, it’s like reading, writing, and listening to music all at once.  The last time I was at the beach was last summer.  I was at the Boardwalk in New Jersey with my mother and my other siblings; I only get to see once every few months.  After a long day of play I sat down, on the then cooled sand, and just stared at the sunset, listened as the waves crash against each other, the seagulls fighting over some seafood one family had ate, and my mom telling my baby sister to stop throwing sand on people.  I just closed my eyes and thought about all the stress and events that had happened in the past year and I felt as it all just washed away.  It was like a thousand pounds was lifted off of me, I felt so free and light.  Temporary escapes are needed even if its just one.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Introduction

My name is Dominque Kirksey and am a student at Ben C. Rain High School.  I am currently taking AP classes, AP English and AP History.  I love to write and currently working on a few books, hoping to publish at least one before I graduate or  before I start college in the fall of 2017.  I plan to take a career path in Physical Therapy, but am not quite sure if I want to travel or stay in one place.  I plan to take pre-physical therapy and after that, enroll in the doctorates program.  I am a person who works to get where I need to go and make the obstacles that get in my way motivate me to try harder and will accept nothing but excellence.