Sunday, March 27, 2016

Good Friday

         For Good Friday, I went over my grandmother's house.  I did not do an act of kindness because is was Good Friday.  I believe you should always be kind to others, special occasion or not.  I chose to go over my grandmother's house because usually my brother and I would go over there every weekend, but I have not because of extracurricular activity I am in.  Thus weekend, track meet or not, I made sure that I went over my grandmother's house.  Over the weekend, I did little simple things that she asked me to do:  greased her hair because my granddad would always do that for her before he died and I helped her cook a dish for my family's traditional Easter dinner, since she can not stand for long.  In my eyes, its the small things that count, not big things that you do once a year because of a special occasion.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Letter to Governor

Dear Governor Rease,

 My name is Erin Green. I am an educator at Bayom Elementary and the sister of Reverent Ambrose. I volunteer at the prison and at the hospital, occasionally. I have been an educator for the last 10 years and love working with children; watching them grow up and starting families of their own. I am well known around the community and will be helping Reverent Ambrose with the service for this upcoming Easter. Also, putting together a service down at the prison. Everyone should at least participate this Easter, even for the ones locked away.
  Although, I do know one of the prisoners, Jefferson. Five years ago, I taught Jefferson at the school. I have seen many students come and go, but with Jefferson, there was something special about him. His determination to learn and to help others was what made him stick out from the other students. He tried to help others and never gave up. He would try his best and put 100% in everything he did, even the small things. He would come to church with his aunt every Sunday, never missed one. Jefferson is a sweet and kind person. Even after he left the school he always would come back to help.
  Jefferson is known by everyone in the community. Jefferson should not be executed. The children of the school would be devastated. He has became so close to them. When someone needed a friend, he was there at their side. By executing Jefferson, it will send a negative message to the young people of this community. Even if he is just in jail for the rest of his life, it's better than executing him. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


Erin Green