Friday, April 22, 2016


    On the 19th of April, all juniors took the ACT. That was my second time taking the ACT. When I took it the first time, the only thing I passed was the English. I believe the only reason why I passed that part of the exam is because I am currently taking English. When I took it again, I knew what to expect: English first, Math, Reading, Science, and then Writing. Just like the first time, I was not prepared. The only thing that was different was that I took it at school and I was mentally prepared.
    I was not prepared at all for the ACT. The only thing that was done for preparation for the ACT for me was that in one of my classes, my English class, we went over a few things the day before. In intervention we had an ACT book to work in but it's different from studying by yourself and studying as a whole. I only have two course class and we have been preparing for the AP exam we take in May, not the ACT test. Last semester I took a science class, human anatomy, but we didn't work on charts and graphs so I did not really know how to do the science part of the ACT. Reading was all about time. I had no problem with the questions, but there was no time to read every story and answer every question.
     Dealing with the ACT, it was all about time and what you knew. I was not prepared for the test. In my opinion, my class as a whole was not prepared properly.

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